Keeping the Y in shape

We've been busy with projects throughout the YMCA of Western North Carolina centers and locations. Throughout the year, our facilities team works behind the scenes on hundreds of projects to keep the facility in shape for the thousands of visits that take place all year long. A few of the highlights from this past year include:
Asheville YMCA
- Refinished the gym floor
- HVAC units replaced
- Replaced roof over wellness center
- Additional exhaust fans added to the natatorium
- Replaced pool pump and chlorinators
- Camera system replaced
- Upgraded locker room exhaust system
- Replaced steam room mechanical equipment
Beaverdam Youth Services
- Added a water fountain and sink to the lobby
- Replaced the garage roof
- Replaced two mini-busses
- Replaced HVAC equipment
- Recommissioned the vertical climbing wall by changing it to a new horizontal bouldering wall
Black Mountain YMCA
- Increased size of parking lot and added new steps and a railing from the upper level
- Replaced spa controller
- Painted pool deck
- Replaced camera system
Camp Watia
- Built a new staff cabin
- Installed a new challenge course
- Painting multiple buildings throughout camp
Corpening Memorial YMCA
- Complete roof replacement
- Replaced HVAC equipment
- Refinished gym floor
- Upgraded to LED lighting in multiple areas of facility
- Painted locker rooms and restrooms
Ferguson Family YMCA
- Added ballet and other equipment in the MP Room to support youth development and healthy living programming
Hendersonvile Family YMCA
- Complete lighting replacement to LED
- Replaced HVAC equipment
- Replaced furniture throughout facility including community room, lobby and wellness center
- Replaced countertop and cabinets in community room
- Restriped the parking lot
- Replaced pool pump
- Replaced roof over gym
- Installed 126 solar panels
- Replaced multiple HVAC units
- Replaced playground awning
- Replaced the gym floor
- Renovations underway to include:
- New spin studio
- Expansion of functional fitness area
- Updated youth/teen center
Woodfin YMCA
• Complete lighting replacement to LED
• Painted high-traffic areas
Most memberships include access to all of our centers, so stop by and check out one to refresh your workout.